She used to be an acolyte, then she got smooshed in a cave-in. The physicians fixed her up with some kind of new mystery technique, and now they're calling her an angel and making her do annoying tests. That kind of sucks. Fortunately, she now has free time to spend with friends and have sleepovers. And then wake up screaming. Which also sucks.

He's the guy in charge around here, mainly because he knows more than pretty much everyone. Also because he's good at being in charge. He plays with dead things in his spare time.

In charge of making sure Alcolla doesn't cause irreparable harm to herself or others. (Also in charge of making sure she does not run off in a fit of pique.) Nice, but kind of a milktoast. His arms don't match. That's kind of freaky.

Clockwise from the top: Chiruli, Muuta, and Haruti. Chiruli has grown up listening to too many stories, and has also hit her growth spurt before everyone else. Muuta is the nerdy one who thinks everything to do with physicianing is the coolest thing. Haruti is the shy, cute one and could probably use some conditioner. Too bad it hasn't been invented yet.

She is one of the Big Boss types for the church, sent by the Conclave to check out That Angel Thing. The seminarian is there to follow her around and do whatever she says. This is different from everyone else, since they are not required to follow her around.

She's a guide for people wanting to travel across the wilderness. Also, she has doggies! She's also quite handy with that spiked club thing.

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